Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Loblolly Boy and the Sorcerer by James Norcliffe. Reviewed by Jude Dragh

If you thought, the first Loblolly Boy Book was great, you are going to be totally psyched about the sequel.
The amazing Loblolly Book continues, with even more suspense, creativity, and excitement!
James Norcliffe has written another adventure with the Loblolly Boy while he tries to exchange his life back to being normal, but the only way is to do this is to find the one who took it.
The way that it is written keeps the reader captivated and interested.  It is not one of those books you put down after reading for a minute. You will not be able to stop reading until your eyes water.
James Norcliffe specialises in using an amazing imagination.  His writing leaves you thinking the adventure is real. His unexpected twists give his readers more to enjoy and to look forward to.
My favourite part of this book was the end because the Loblolly Boy -  “uhoh” I will not tell you the end.  If you want to find out you’ll just have to read it for yourself, and trust me you’ll enjoy it.
Overall, I have to say that the other fiction books in the NZ kids Post awards better watch out, because this book has a good chance, seriously!
I would recommend this book to over 10 boys and Girls that have read the first book, (so you understand the background to the story.)
Other Books watch out because I think the sequel will win just like the first book! 

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