Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Library should be a quiet place.

One important rule in our library is
"Be sensible and quiet in the library".

We have this rule because people come in
here to read or work or just relax.

They do not want to be disturbed by people
who are not considerate of others.

Sam gives advice.

An important library rule is
"Do not run around in the library".

This is because if we trip up, or run into the shelves,
we could really hurt ourselves.

If you want to run around,
the back field is the place.

Library Rules - Deakyn

Everything in the Library has a place that it belongs in.
If you use something in the library,
when you have finished pack it up yourself and put it back where it belongs.

We don't want things all over the place -
it will be hard to find what you might want to use.

Use Your Book Bag

Emma says -
An extremely important library rule
is "Carry your Library book in a Book Bag".
We have this rule to help protect the books.
We don't want them to get wet, mouldy or ruined.
The books are for sharing.
We all must do our bit
to look after them.

Library Rules

Food or drink
should not be brought
into our Library.

We have this rule because we don't
want spillage
or dirty marks
on the books.
The Library is supposed
to be a quiet reading
place, not a chewy
drinking place.

Library Rules

If you want to use
a game,it must be played
quietly at one of the Library tables.
If there is no place to sit,
then you cannot play.
This way we limit how many
people are playing.
We are trying to keep
the Library quiet for readers
and browsers.
You must pack up
the game when you
have finished.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Donated books for seniors.

At the beginning of the year, Nina brought 3 books to give to our Library.
The books are the first, second and fourth of the "Keys to the Kingdom" series by Garth Nix.
Mrs Sutherland and Marcial have now read some of these and were very impressed with them. They are futuristic, fantasy stories, full of action, fabulous character descriptions and mystery.
Teachers could read them to their senior classes, or capable senior readers could borrow them for reading at home.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 - Up and Running

Welcome to our Library blog for 2011.
The books are in order on the shelves.
New books are out on display.
The fish tank is clean so you can see our happy fish.
We have ordered new Library book bags, and they will be available soon.
Our Librarian duty roster is organised, and there are keen librarians on duty to help you.
So come and visit.