Our library is dressed up to celebrate the Olympics, so we decided to compete in our own "Library Olympics".
18 year 5 and 6 student librarians entered a qualification round to see who would be the fastest to find 3 books from our library.
From the qualification round the 8 competitors who finished under 4 minutes went on to the finals, to compete for the medals.
In this round the students had to issue and return several books, and then locate 3 more using Access It to help them locate the items.
The tasks took longer than Mrs Sutherland had anticipated and we ran out of time without having a winner.
Amy R11, TJ R12 and Emma R10 completed the most tasks and so were through to the medal round.
The 3 girls had to find 3 books, issue them, return them and finally shelve them correctly.
TJ won the Gold Medal, completing the tasks in just under 5 minutes. Emma finished 10 seconds later and won the Silver medal. Amy received the bronze medal.